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Family History Video: Preserving Precious Memories

18 Jan

FSP Logo

What would it mean to you to see video interviews of a grandparent or great-grandparent talking about his or her life story—a childhood, marriage, career, values, historical moments, triumphs, challenges, life lessons?

Family Stories Project (FSP) is an organization that promotes the idea that every family can benefit by preserving their family history on video, through firsthand, on-camera stories as told by parents and grandparents. The package includes a full day of video production capturing interviews and photographs, two days of editing including graphics and music tracks, and a 30-minute finished documentary delivered on a program master with raw footage and five DVD copies.

Click here or on the FSP logo above to see a sample documentary. What a great auction item—and a great way to teach future generations about your family’s heritage!

What We Love About This Auction Item: It’s a scrapbook you’ll treasure forever.
Says Advent Mom Kim Grumley: “Time passes so quickly that our recollection of events and family members can begin to fade with time. Family history video allows memories to remain vibrant and concrete for generations to come and not just faded recollections.”
Estimated Value: $5,000